Project 0.5pvc pipes,acrylic sheets,acrylic paint,televison, U-clips


Science and technology have led the product revolution. I am a generation surrounded by countless new products. The Internet is full of new technological concepts, product designs that subvert the imagination, and people's ambitions for future technological development.
The concept I most often hear in recent years is the concept of product development from 0-1, that is, from nothing to something, from old to new; But do we really need so many new products? Are those products that have been castrated in the research and development stage, or that have flashed through human society, or that can no longer meet the needs of the fast-consuming society really worthless?
Whenever I hold a film camera in my hand, I always feel this kind of confusion. Admittedly, I am a loyal fan of film. The parameters of modern digital cameras are irrelevant to me. They are virtual data, because I clearly know that my depth of demand has been self-satisfied in the film period, the color performance of excellent film technology, the ability of large-format output unmatched by modern digital photosensitive elements, and the more detailed product function positioning, However, it seems to be just an imperfect outdated product now,because film has been in the decline in business, and the supply of film products is gradually stopped in the market. With the passage of time, these imperfect outdated products will also be completely eliminated one day.